Novice Policy Debate Course Logo.

PCA-Novice Policy Debate

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This Course is designed for beginners in Policy (CX) Debate. This will introduce you to all the things you need to know before your first round!


  • 7 Sections
  • 33 Lessons
  • 20 Quizzes
  • 12h Duration
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Introduction to Policy Debate
3 Lessons2 Quizzes
  1. The Anatomy of an Argument
  2. Paradigms and Adaptation
  3. Paradigms and Adaptation
  4. How to View a Debate Round
  5. Round Vison
Debating the Case
3 Lessons3 Quizzes
  1. What is in an Affirmative Case?
  2. What is in an Affirmative Case?
  3. Case Debate Part 1
  4. Quiz Case Debate Part 1
  5. Case Debate Part 2
  6. Case Debate Part 2
Debating a Disadvantage
6 Lessons6 Quizzes
  1. What is a Disadvantage
  2. What is a Disadvantage?
  3. Debating Disadvantages Explained
  4. Debating a Disadvantage
  5. Disadvantage - Uniqueness Explained
  6. What is Uniqueness?
  7. Debating the Link
  8. Debating the Link
  9. Debating the Internal Link and Impact
  10. Debating the Internal Link and Impact
  11. How to win a Disadvantage
  12. Winning a Disadvantage
6 Lessons4 Quizzes
  1. Introduction to Counterplans
  2. What is a Counterplan?
  3. Introduction to Counterplans Quiz
  4. How to Debate Counterplans as the Negative Team
  5. Debating Counterplans as the Negative Team
  6. How to Debate Counter Plans as the Affirmative Team
  7. Answering a Counterplan
  8. What is Counter Plan Theory?
  9. What is Competition and How do Counterplans Compete?
  10. Types of Counter Plans
8 Lessons5 Quizzes
  1. What is a Topicality Argument
  2. Topicality Basics Quiz
  3. Topicality- Interpretation
  4. Interpretation Quiz
  5. Topicality- Violation
  6. Violation Quiz
  7. Topicality- Standards (Reasons to Prefer)
  8. Topicality-Voters
  9. Standards and Voters Quiz
  10. How do I debate Topicality?
  11. How do I answer Topicality Arguments?
  12. Debating Topicality Quiz
  13. Framework in Topicality
5 Lessons
  1. Rebuttals Overview
  2. How to give a 1NR
  3. How to give a 1AR
  4. How to give a 2NR
  5. How to give a 2AR
Practice and Preparation
2 Lessons
  1. How to Prepare for your First Tournament!
  2. How to Practice!
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