Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate Online Course

PCA- Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate

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Trying to get ready for your first round of Debate? Start here to learn the ins and outs of LD Debate. 


  • 8 Sections
  • 21 Lessons
  • 15 Quizzes
  • 1 Assignment
  • 0m Duration
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Introduction to Lincoln Douglas Debate
6 Lessons6 Quizzes
  1. What is Lincoln Douglas Debate
  2. What is LD Quiz
  3. The Structure of an LD Round and LD Tournament
  4. Round and Tournament Structure Quiz
  5. The Anatomy of an Argument
  6. The Anatomy of an Argument quiz
  7. Basic Strategy in LD Debate
  8. Strategy in LD Quiz
  9. Judging Paradigms in LD Debate
  10. Judging Paradigms in LD Debate Quiz
  11. Understanding Different Resolutions (Topics) in LD Debate
  12. Different Debate Resolutions
The Speeches
5 Lessons2 Quizzes
  1. The First Affirmative Constructive
  2. The First Affirmative Rebuttal
  3. The Second Affirmative Rebuttal
  4. Affirmative Speeches Quiz
  5. The First Negative Constructive
  6. The First Negative Rebuttal
  7. Negative Speeches Quiz
3 Lessons3 Quizzes
  1. What is Framework?
  2. Understanding Framework Quiz
  3. The Value Explained
  4. Understanding Values in Debate
  5. The Criterion Explained
  6. Understanding the Criterion
3 Lessons2 Quizzes
  1. The Purpose of a Contention
  2. The Structure of a Contention
  3. The Construction of Contentions Quiz
  4. Offense and Defense in the Contention Debate
  5. What is a Contention Quiz
2 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. What are Observations?
  2. How to make your own Observations
  3. Observations Quiz
1 Lesson1 Quiz
  1. What is Theory?
  2. Theory Quiz
The Circuit
1 Lesson
  1. How to approach all the different circuits in LD Debate
Preparing for your first Tournament!
1 Assignment
  1. Check List before your 1st Tournament
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